Recent Tips
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Watering Tips for Healthy Grass

Watering Tips for Healthy Grass

Lawn Care has a great article full of tips for watering your lawn to keep your grass healthy and green. A lot of homeowners around the country will water their grass to the point where it is over saturated while others will rarely water their grass and allow for rain to be the only source […]

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Dealing with Chinch Bugs

Dealing with Chinch Bugs

Chinch bugs could be coming to a lawn near you as summer arrives on the fast track. The Colorado A&M AgriLife Extension wrote a complete article on these bugs. The quick facts are below: The southern chinch bug is a pest of St. Augustine grass, particularly during periods of hot, dry weather as is common in July […]

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When to Water

When to Water

This is a frequent question we hear from our clients. Bayer shares this tip in their Summer Lawn Watering Guide: A very general rule of thumb is to provide lawns with 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week, from irrigation or rainfall. A good way to check moisture penetration is to probe the soil […]

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Summer Has Arrived

Summer Has Arrived

As you can probably tell, Summer has arrived, and it is getting pretty hot out there. If you are like us, your lawn’s appearance is very important. We have seen a fairly normal pattern of rainfall this Spring and lawns are looking pretty good. As they say, if you don’t like the weather in Colorado, […]

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Keeping Your Lawn Healthy

Keeping Your Lawn Healthy

Our goal at JBK Lawn Care is to help you have an amazing lawn. Recently shared information from the UC Guide to Healthy Lawns website in an interesting article: A Healthy Lawn Makes for a Good Looking Yard.  The article starts out by saying: Nothing complements a neat house and a well-kept yard like […]

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Stay Hydrated

Stay Hydrated

At JBK Lawn Care, we care about the safety of our workers and provide training about potential safety concerns. In summer, one that is at the top of our list is the importance of staying hydrated in hot weather. If you find yourself working out in your yard this summer, take a minute to review […]

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Fire Ant Control

Fire Ant Control

Want to know more about the ants popping up in your lawn? Here are a few excerpts from “Red Imported Fire Ant” from the Colorado Invasive Species Institute. Any Texan who has walked through a field and seen dozens of Red Fire Ant mounds knows the destructive power of the Red Imported Fire Ant. Not […]

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8 Tips for an Amazing Lawn
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Watering Tips
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Top Choice to Control Fire Ants