Lawn Care Services – Our Program Details

The following details the lawn care services provided by JBK Landscape.

JBK Landscape will provide seven (7) annual turf feedings spaced six weeks apart throughout the growing season. We use Golf Course Quality products at every touch point.  These visits will also include spring and fall pre-emergent applications. As a result, this will help reduce annual weed production based on your turf type. We will also spot treat any visible broadleaf weeds during each visit. Also, we provide FREE follow up visits between your regular visits should old weeds persist, new weeds grow in, or if you notice other turf issues throughout the season. This program does not include turf damaging insect control and disease control. It can be added at any time based on your lawns needs. Finally, we will monitor these and report our findings and suggestions throughout the season.

Lawn Care Services – Step 1

The JBK Landscape first step, in very early spring, will be to apply a balanced fertilizer to help promote root growth. This also gets the lawn ready for spring green-up when the temperatures increase. This is the time to apply your pre-emergent to help reduce overwintering weed seeds such as crab-grass. Any visible broadleaf weeds will also be treated at this time.

Lawn Care Services – Step 2

As Spring arrives, JBK Landscape will continue to monitor winter weeds. And, we will include another balanced feeding to help the lawn with spring green up.

Lawn Care Services – Step 3

The JBK Landscape third step, in early summer, will include turf feeding and broadleaf weed spot treatment as needed. We will be on the look-out for early signs of turf-damaging insects and report our findings and treatment options if needed.

Lawn Care Services – Step 4

The JBK Landscape fourth step, during the summer, will include a balanced feeding with a slow release fertilizer to avoid any potential of burning along with spot treatment of any visible broadleaf weed activity. Additionally, grassy weeds can prove difficult to control. So, we will consult with you if these pose a risk to your lawn. We will inspect and report any turf damaging insect activity and review your treatment options.

Lawn Care Services – Step 5

The JBK Landscape fifth step, in the peak of summer, will again include a balanced slow release feeding along with spot treatment of any visible broadleaf weeds. Grassy weeds can prove difficult to control, and we will consult with you if these pose a risk to your lawn. Again, we will inspect and report any turf damaging insect activity and review your treatment options.

Lawn Care Services – Step 6

The JBK Landscape sixth step, in late summer to early fall, will include a balanced feeding and spot treatment of any visible broadleaf weeds. Grassy weeds can prove difficult to control, and we will consult with you if these pose a risk to your lawn. We will inspect and report any turf damaging insect activity and review your treatment options. This will be the time to be on the look-out for early signs of disease activity. We will inspect and provide treatment option and suggestions.

Lawn Care Services – Step 7

The JBK Landscape seventh step, in the fall to early winter, will include a balanced feeding designed to prepare the turf for colder weather. Any visible broadleaf weeds will be spot treated. Any other turf issues will be reported to you for review and treatment options.