Late Summer Rains Bring Weeds, Fire Ants and Disease

We are finally seeing some much-needed rain in the Denver area and this will bring some relief to the hot Summer temperatures as well as help with Fall turf recovery. This rain will also bring us weeds, fire ants and disease activity, so now is the time to plan ahead. At JBK Lawn Care, we can help you with these lawn issues by creating service plans that meet your needs.

Now is a great time to apply a fall pre-emergent to help reduce winter annual weeds before they germinate and treat existing weeds before they take over your lawn. Keep in mind, weeds will take advantage of thin areas caused by the long hot summer, so Fall fertilization will be very important.

Who likes fire ants? No one we’ve ever met! We have an amazing year-long fire ant control called Top Choice. Once applied, you can count on year-long protection from these stinging pests.

Late Summer rains may also bring on early Fall turf disease, like brown patch and leaf spot, and now is the perfect time to treat for these to help reduce the spread and help speed recovery next Spring. Bottom line, JBK Lawn Care is here to take these turf issues off of your to-do list. Don’t be that neighbor. You can have an amazing lawn going into this year’s Holiday Season.