Benefits of Landscaping

Benefits of Landscaping Your Property

The benefits of landscaping your property are important to consider. Your landscape is an extenuation of your personality and style. It is the first thing you present to visitors to your home or business. The care and consideration you have put into your landscapes design and maintenance is how other people become acquainted with you before they ever reach your front door.

According to the Wall Street Journals recent edition of Smart Money magazine, “If you spend 5 percent of the value of your home on landscaping, and do it wisely, you can get 150 percent or more of your money back.”

A well thought-out design is the best approach to renovating your existing landscape. A landscape architect or designer will lay out the existing elements of the site, considering how plants, paving and bed shapes should be revised and what should be added to accentuate the architecture of your home and best utilize your property.

Landscaping adds value to your home. According to Bob Villa of This Old House fame,

“Landscaping is much more than pretty plants. A good landscape design can add 20 percent to the value of your property and save up to 25 percent in heating and cooling costs.”

In particular, large trees are one of the things home buyers look for when choosing their new home. Trees help to shade and cool a home in the summer, a big asset in Colorado. They can also serve as a wind block from harsh north winds in the winter.

In one study, 83% of Realtors believe that mature trees have a “strong or moderate impact” on the salability of homes listed for under $150,000; on homes over $250,000, this perception increases to 98%

An excellent landscape designer will listen to your desires and do his or her best to work with your site to make that happen. A knowledgeable landscape designer can guide the homeowner toward plant material that is suitable for the region and the specific site conditions.

An excellent landscape designer creates a landscape specific to the overall concept of the house, for example, a “Cottage Garden”, a “Tuscan” look or a “Modern” design might be the look that would best compliment the architecture. The extension of the interior design of your home to the exterior helps to tie all of the elements of your property together and present your unique style to the world.
