– Spring

It’s time to start thinking about your landscape and how it will react to the heat of the summer. Below are some spring landscaping tips, so you can take necessary steps, now, to keep your landscape from suffering when the heat and droughts come during the summer months.

Ornamental trees

Ornamental trees such as the Colorado Mountain Laurel are a great way to add color and interest to an area of your landscape without taking up to much space. Anacacho Orchid, and Flowering Tree Sennas are also great additions to any landscape. These varieties average 12-15 ft of mature, vertical height, and provide a great back drop to landscaped beds. They are all considered low water and low maintenance specimens.

Aeration/top dressing:

January thru May is the ideal months to provide organic material to your lawn. This process also prevents soil from compacting and allows roots to grow deeper into the soil which will help your lawn thrive throughout the summer. Adding compost during this process adds important organic material to stimulate microbial activities. Contact your Lawn Account Manager to get this highly recommended service done today.

It’s also time to consider doing a thorough spring cleaning on the exterior of your home.

Gutter & window cleaning

All the pollen and leaves have really made an impact on your home in time for spring cleaning and getting rid of all the spoils that have collected through the winter.

Power washing:

Clean your patios, decks, and outdoor furniture to get ready for Spring and Summer.
